I’d like to say thank you to all the warm, Summer nights
The feeling of freshly cut grass
Thank you to all the cold glasses of iced tea
And to all the late night drives with the windows down
Hair blowing in the breeze
I’d like to say thank you to the rainy Sunday’s
A good book that you just can’t put down
Thank you to all the old records played
And to all the dance parties held in the living room
I’d like to say thank you to remembering memories and smiling
The times of laughing until your stomach hurts
Thank you to all the old Polaroid pictures
And to all the long letters and little notes
Left by loved ones
I’d like to say thank you to the feeling of sunshine on skin
The scent of fresh rain on the pavement
Thank you to all the little coffee shops in little towns
And to the scent of freshly washed sheets
I’d like to say thank you to vanilla chapstick
The movies you could watch over and over again
Thank you to all the twinkly lights hung above beds
And to goodnight texts
I’d like to thank all the small things
For they are delight in small doses
They are little specks of euphoria
And they are the most important to well-being