If you haven’t paid attention to the weather lately you may not have noticed the -50 wind chill temperatures and the “no-snow-snow-days”. But if you have been paying attention then you’re like me, laying in bed for hours pondering what to do with myself for the rest of the day that is now totally empty. Of course, like most teenagers I end up falling asleep and taking a few naps during the day which really isn’t a bad idea when you think about it. Every extra hour slept in on a snow day is catching up on the days before that. So go ahead, snooze that alarm, don’t get out of bed for hours, you could even go the whole day in your pajamas! A snow day is the perfect day to catch up on sleep and not miss a thing.
Okay, so maybe there are other people that value a little bit more than sleep. In that case, I still have some more ideas on how to occupy yourself. If it is an actual snow day (meaning the reason for snow being cancelled is the mountain of snow outside), then one of the best things to do is bundle up and go outside and make a snowman. You don’t have to sing the “frozen” song but it is highly recommended. And if snowmen aren’t your thing, you could always grab some friends and have a friendly, or not so friendly, snowball fight. There are many places on campus to do that too. If you live in the honor dorms, on the Northwest side of building 15 is a field that is perfect for snowman building. If you live in the towers you could use the snow piles at the edges of the parking lot as barriers during the most epic snowball fight. And lastly, if you live in the rest of the dorms, the flagfield is a multi purpose field to build snowmen and have snowball fights.
At the end of the day, there are a million and one things to do on a snow day. Sleeping in and playing in the snow are just the 2 most cliche but still fun things to do. Below are just a few more things to do when stuck inside. Happy snow days!
- Binge watch a Netflix series: https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/gallery/44-shows-to-binge-watch-on-netflix/ss-AAxg8u6
- Do your homework for the rest of the week (so you can do nothing when everything fun opens back up)
- Clean your room or dorm
- Play UNO or other card games
- Play mafia (GREAT group game. Instructions included): https://icebreakerideas.com/mafia-game/
- Order out a meal that lasts the whole day
- Have a spa day (face masks, hair masks, nails, etc.)