Final room checks were conducted last night, May 1st. Dorms are expected to be cleaned, and must have all furniture put back the way they were found originally before you can move out.
If you plan to live on campus for the fall 2019-2020 school year your housing application must be turned in by Friday, May 9th.
Unless you are graduating, you must be moved out by Thursday at 4:30. If you are unable to move out during any of the designated move out times you are expected to speak with housing for special circumstances.
Check out times during finals week are as follows:
Monday-Wednesday 10:00AM- 4:30 PM
Thursday 10:00AM- 2:00 PM, and 4:00PM- 4:30PM
**Important note: NO checkouts will be conducted from 2:00-4:00 on Thursday due to the graduation ceremony.
Don’t forget to stop into the mail room before you check out to drop off your mail room key. If you forget to do so, you will be fined accordingly.
When housing stops by your dorm to check you they are expecting your room, including the positioning of furniture, to look how it did when you first moved in. If it not put back together you will be fined for an improper checkout.
While you are checking out of the dorms you may notice two boxes on the bottom floor of each of the buildings. These “Donate- Don’t Dump” boxes are for donations. One of the boxes is for UNOPENED food that you want to get rid of, and the other box is for other miscellaneous items you would like to donate. While you are packing keep these two boxes in mind before you throw anything out!
Thank you from the Collegian staff to all the students for your cooperation in advance, and we wish you good luck on your finals coming up next week!