Megan Larsen is our spotlight this week! She is a sophomore at Iowa Central Community College and majoring in Digital Mass Communications. Her hometown is Eagle Grove, Iowa.
What has your experience been like with virtual classes?
My experience with virtual classes is that it’s definitely a learning curve and you have to remember to keep doing your work. Some students might look at this whole experience as a vacation but you’re still in school and it’s important to pay attention in class and keep up with your work. The benefit of virtual classes is getting to spend more time with my puppy.
How are you keeping in touch with friends?
I keep in touch with my friends by snapchatting, texting, and Facetiming. It’s really no different than normal, we just can’t hang out as much which is a bummer.
What activities are you doing to fill your time?
First thing you are going to do after social distancing has ended?